Friday, August 7, 2009

Rise of Orthodoxy

So, I was going to do a short research thesis on the rise of orthodox Christianity in the 2nd-4th century. Essentially, it was an evaluation of Walter Bauer's Orthodoxy and Heresy in Earliest Christianity (RechtglÀubigkeit u. Ketzerei im Àltesten Christentum). Why I believed this was a good idea is that I know of a lot of scholarship that has challenged the openly accepted thesis to the core; secondly, Macquarie has great access to resources on the issue such as the Papyri from the Rise of Christianity in Egypt etc under the Documentary Research Centre. This scholarship is encapsulated in the works of Edwin Judge as well as the multiple volumes of the New Documents Illustrating Early Christianity. So, in short, I have a lot to work with. subject supervisor wrote an entire book on the issues of using papyri for such an argument. Oh, the dilemma.

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