Sunday, August 9, 2009

A Book to look out for - 'The Historical Jesus: Five Views'

The Historical Jesus: Five Views is a collaborative discussion by a number of scholars on their specific approach to historical Jesus methodology. Well, when I say scholars that is not the correct word. See, we have the big names of historical Jesus scholarship such as John Dominic Crossan (The Historical Jesus; The Essential Jesus and many more); James D.G. Dunn author of the massive and influential volume Jesus Remembered; Luke Timothy Johnson, a Catholic scholar and author of The Real Jesus; and Darrell L. Bock, an influential Evangelical New Testament scholar, author of Studying the Historical Jesus and Jesus According to Scripture. Then, finally we have another scholar - one who does not fit into the category of above. We find, for some reason or another - maybe to set up a strawman for slaughter - Robert M. Price. Price is a controversial scholar who spends his time trying to collect a following on the internet as his recycling of dead Jesus-Myth hypotheses don't fly with any other scholar.

Anyway, I am sure the table of contents of this book expected to be released in November this year will actually say something (and something more than myself having never seen the book):

Table of Contents

The Historical Jesus: An Introduction
Paul Rhodes Eddy and James K. Beilby

1. Jesus at the Vanishing Point
Robert M. Price
John Dominic Crossan
Luke Timothy Johnson
James D. G. Dunn
Darrell L. Bock

2. Jesus and the Challenge of Collaborative Eschatology
John Dominic Crossan
Robert M. Price
Luke Timothy Johnson
James D. G. Dunn
Darrell L. Bock

3. Learning the Human Jesus: Historical Criticism and Literary Criticism
Luke Timothy Johnson
Robert M. Price
John Dominic Crossan
James D. G. Dunn
Darrell L. Bock

4. Remembering Jesus: How the Quest of the Historical Jesus Lost Its Way
James D. G. Dunn
Robert M. Price
John Dominic Crossan
Luke Timothy Johnson
Darrell L. Bock

5. The Historical Jesus: An Evangelical View
Darrell L. Bock
Robert M. Price
John Dominic Crossan
Luke Timothy Johnson
James D. G. Dunn

A primer on this book for anyone who is interested would be Ben Witherington's The Jesus Quest: The Third Quest for the Jew of Nazareth as it overviews the work of Crossan - among others from all sides of the debate. Dunn's far shorter work A New Perspectiveon Jesus: What the Quest for the Historical Jesus Missed as well as N.T. Wright's 100 or so page Contemporary Quest for Jesus. Finally, for a bit of details on methedology as opposed to an overview of portraits try Bock's Studying the Historical Jesus: A Guide to Sources and Methods. There is no need to direct anything with regard to Price's work as I am sure all the criteria of the other respective scholars will demonstrate how unfeasable Price's position is. The only person who would have problems against it- or at least give it some wiggle room - would be Crossan and his reading of myth into the Gospels.

Anyway, that is me for now!

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